ACWT Corpus

Kitty Binek

Aphasia Center of West Texas (ACWT)

Kathryn Shelley

Aphasia Center of West Texas (ACWT)

Participants: 12 participants with aphasia
Type of Study: protocol
Location: Midland, TX
Media type: video
DOI: doi:10.21415/X4RC-R061

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The Aphasia Center of West Texas came into being when Kathryn Shelley's father, Chuck Matthews, had a stroke that resulted in significant communication problems. Kathryn discovered that once his insurance ran out, no further communicative support and training was available to him. Kathryn spearheaded a community effort, which resulted in the establishment of the center in March, 2002, as the second independent aphasia center to open in the United States. The programs at this center reflect its life participation approach to aphasia care.
