BU Aphasia Group Corpus

Elizabeth Hoover
The Aphasia Resource Center
Boston University, College of Health and Rehabilitation


Participants: 6
Type of Study: Aphasia group sessions
Location: USA
Media type: video
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5VX04

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Citation information

Hoover, E., Caplan, D., Waters, W., & Carney, A. (2016). Communication and quality of life outcomes from an Interdisciplinary, Intensive, Comprehensive Aphasia Program (ICAP). Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. Article DOI: 10.1080/10749357.2016.1207147

Hoover, E.L, & Carney, A. (2014). Integrating the iPad into an Interdisciplinary, Comprehensive aphasia program (ICAP). Seminars in Speech and Language, 35, 25-37.

Elman, R., & Hoover, E. (2013). Integrating communication support into aphasia group treatment. In N. Simmons-Mackie, N., J. King, & D. Beukelman (Eds.), Supporting communication for adults with acute and chronic aphasia. Baltimore, MD: Brookes.

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one corpus reference.


The Aphasia Resource Center at Boston University conducts a variety of groups for aphasic people. These videos include an initial group session and several sessions each of a Toastmasters group, a Book group, a News group, and a daily wrap-up of the day’s sessions.


Recordings were done across a four-week period. Each recording lasts between one and four minutes.

The Toastmasters folder includes 12 videos of speeches. File names give the day and speaker.

6_3 SB_Welcome, Day 1, Client SB from the 2011 BU ICAP welcomes the group.

6_3_LF_Intro, Day 1, Client LF introduces herself to the group.

6_3_RA_Intro, Day 1, Client RA introduces himself to the group.

6_7_BookClub, In this clip, the Book Club is meeting for the first time. In the first part, participants are discussing Mary Roach’s book My Planet, a selection of humorous essays. Members read the text on their iPads while listening to the audio via the Music app or via audio cds. Next, members are discussing phone-based customer service inspired by the essay “42 Minutes and Holding…” Later, members are discussing the essay “Picture Imperfect” and the new generation of television remotes.

6_13 BookClub, Session 2 of 4: In this clip, members are discussing the misadventures of a robotic vacuum cleaner from the essay “Roomba’s Revenge”.

6_25_McDonalds, Session 4 of 4: Members participated in a weekly “In the News” discussion group. In this clip, members discuss an article about the nutritional values of a McDonalds menu.

6_25_Starbucks: Members participated in a weekly “In the News” discussion group. In this clip, members discuss an article about the calorie content of Starbucks beverages.

6_12_Geography: Members participated in daily Wrap-Up sessions to discuss and provide feedback on the day’s treatments. In this clip, clients are reviewing the names of each other’s towns. Earlier in the day, clients engaged in a modified CILT task in which they requested different geographical stimulus targets, including names of hometowns and other geographical areas of significance.

6_27_Awareness: Members participated in daily Wrap-Up sessions to discuss and provide feedback on the day’s treatments. In this clip, clients are discussing an Aphasia Awareness Day event they attended at the Massachusetts State House.

6_26_FinalThoughts: Membersparticipated in daily Wrap-Up sessions to discuss and provide feedback on their “final thoughts” or feedback on the program.

Participant Information

Participant Age Education Years Post-Stroke Profile
EG 59 20 8.9 Mod-severe non-fluent
RA 56 12 5.7 Moderate non-fluent
CV 65 18 4 Moderate non-fluent
SJ 54 16 5.7 Moderate non-fluent
LF 43 12 .5 Mod-severe non-fluent
GT 53 16 1.5 Mod-severe non-fluent