[tell me maybe a little bit more about your trip to albuquerque?] (.) yeah. uh (.) it's fine. bijutɪ- beautiful (.) uh p- good (.) thing. and I've been there since (.) uh sixteen. so (.) I'd been out x there before. uh (..) uh let's see what else? xxx (.) uh (..) in the (.) daɪn- dining room [distorted sound between dining and room] is kinda a strange... (..) uh had no uh (...) floors. no (..) uh no [waves hands] ɜ- anywhere. so it was a strange way x... but it was okay. I mean... uh where else have I been? uh (.) we (.) drove uh in the car. we went (.) to uh (.) where once (.) uh (.) stop uh be x waitin' for... and then following the second day. [gestures forward] uh let's see... (...) uh fine... (..) uh didn't (..) s- uh stop (.) sɜpt p- p- for a meal somewhere. [mhm.] um (..) let's see uh... (..) oh the ʌ- other w- ... [gestures] we went this way. and the other one (..) was x... I don't know what it was. but there was a traffic jam... hundred miles and miles and miles. [gestures off to distance] so we were lucky. uh (..) let's see... (..) uh <ɪns ʌn in> uh (.) in (...) [puts hand in air in confusion] (.) uh... æbəkɚki. (.) it's beautiful... (.) uh in there in the town there's uh (.) a hotel. and (.) it was uh (.) uh beautiful. it's baʊt thirty [holds up 3 fingers] (...) day tə-fɚθ you tried x thirty [distorted?] (.) uh... (...) it was old. anyway... uh uh baʊt tʃ- (.) almost twenty... yeah. and it was beautiful. it had a hold (..) gallery and uh thing. [hm:...] uh (...) xx seven x x [gestures for a box] (..) uh it was seven [distorted s?] feet tall. and that was the first one that's ever built. [gestures high] [m:...] uh let's see... uh (...) uh... (...) [sounds like you had a really nice time.] oh yes. yes it was. it was very nice. and it was good to know my sister was okay. so that was... [good to see your family.] mhm yes.