[do you have any plans this coming weekend?] (..) n- no not that I have any. [mhm.] no nɑf (.) x- /maɪ/ maɪ go back here (.) at the U A. [points behind him] U and A and have a (..) x or a uh... [points up] [gestures swinging a bat] [oh watch a game?] yeah. [nods head] [oh that would be fun.] yeah. [nods] right here. [points behind] [yeah uhuh U of A baseball?] yeah. [uhuh.] ð- they have a nice... [distorted last sound] you know where it is? [hm...] you know where he lives? [I know where the field is.] oh. [yes.] okay. [points to right] okay. [mhm.] (.) (.) the vəwon is down [points to right] (..) x x. [mhm.] but (.) <ʌðə> <ʌ-> ʌðə one (.) (.) [mhm] uh [shakes head] (..) is (.) <æks> X C O T? [spells out on table] [okay.] [um...] (.) (.) [shakes head] [mhm] girls is right here. [gestures on table] [mhm mhm.] and then the boys all [gestures to other side] xxx play in this one. [yes yes.] [play in a different field.] right. [and I live close to the where the boys play.] oh. [that's close to where I live.] oh dujə? [uhuh.] mhm. yeah. [yeah.] [so you're gonna watch the boys play?] yeah. [nods] [uhuh.] yeah. [that's great.] [so you like watching baseball?] yeah I do. [uhuh.] yeah. [do you um enjoy watching U of A basketball too?] oh yeah. [yeah.] yeah. [how about the end of our season?] eh [shakes head] they didn't... (.) (..) I didn't thought they would. I thought they would do a little better. [mhm.] but you know. [shrugs shoulders] you don't know. [yeah yeah.] [do you watch all the s- all the U of A sports or just mainly basketball and baseball?] oh (.) no. (..) w- w- we go (..) round there. some x to there and some x there. [mhm.] and... [mhm.] football. x saw that. [mhm mhm.] [you go to some of those games?] yeah. [uhuh.] and then f- they uh s- su... xxx... wait no... [shakes head] S I (.) U... (.) [draws on table] (.) the... (...) [gestures] [swimming?] yeah. [nods] [oh...] yeah. [okay.] yeah. [so you watch some of the swimmers too?] uhuh. [uhuh.] yeah. [that's great.] [approximation of it's just?] it's (.) quite a bit of stʌfən. [mhm.] round this area. [mhm.] you know? [mhm.] [makes it fun to live in a college town.] oh yeah. yeah. [uhuh.] yeah. [I'm forgetting did you go to U of A?] I'm sorry? [did you go to U of A?] no. [no.] no. [shakes head] [okay.] [uhuh.] [just become fans late.] x- w- [points to left] (..) I went to (..) uh f- (...) uh (..) (..) [waves hands] ... x sorry... [did you go to N A U?] no. [shakes head] [no no.] no. [shakes head] [okay.] I cɑlɚædɚ. [points to left] [oh colorado okay.] mhm. [nods head] [okay great great good.] [um let's see...] but we're been there oh I think it was (.) I think it's fifteen days (.) right now. [oh okay.] [you're gonna go to colorado?] no. [draws on table] (..) [points forward] we live there [mhm] (.) in cɑlɚædɚ. [mhm mhm.] but (.) all the way [gestures far away] into a... (..) uh (...) I can't... [mhm mhm.] [it's been fifteen years maybe?] [nods] [since you've been back?] mhm. [nods] no s- x x x been there too. [uhuh.] yeah. [nods] [okay.] [hm and now your sons you have two sons?] mhm. [nods] [did they live in tuscon?] no. [shakes head] [no.] no. one right there [points ahead] (..) or uh... (..) k- ... (..) he goes t-... one x goes back... he's a golfer. [hm...] [right.] [okay.] and x- the other guy works uh <ɪnd a> (.) ɪnd a other one. [hm...] [mhm.] but... [mhm.] yeah. [you get to see them sometimes?] oh j- yeah. x- particularly in the summer. [good.] yeah. [good.]