[what's your favorite place?] hm (...) that's big. [laughs] um... [or anything you wanna talk about.] um um I... well n- norway was (.) lot of fun. because of the o- o- ocean is l- l- like this. [gestures] and of course you can't see it. but the mountain goes l- like from here all the under the o- ocean [gestures] (..) all the way down. and s- so um w- when you see (.) a mountain you only see the top. [gestures] [uhuh.] because it goes all the way through the ocean (..) fl- floor. [oh wow.] um and I like the <æməkəls> æn- animals ov- over there. the (..) [mouths different fragments] mʌ- (..) [mouths different fragments] mʌ- mʊʃ- mʌ- mʌ- ... I can't say it. mʊ-... wait shoot. big. [huh.] mʌ- um (.) mʊʃ- mʌ- mu- moose. m:oose (.) are a dɪ- different color. [okay] and the deer are the same. they're a little different um you know... their faces... the [gestures antlers] æn- æn- æntɚ- <ændɚz> æn- sorry... I wish I could say those words. but... [yeah.] um but yeah ɪ- ɪ- ɪ- really good you know... [nods] and um (.) I like the people there too. [m:...] um (.) uh j- you know when you say um uh hi or... well over there they say hey hey. [really?] yeah yeah. [huh.] and x- like every- everyone x- x- x- x- at a restaurant or whatever... hey hey... what can I help you? later... when they dances... I see definite things that other don't I guess... ɪ- ɪ- ɪ- it's big state. that was a lot of fun w- the (.) river you know go- goes fast and everything. well now you can see əm. because paint it (.) j- you know a thousand years ago. only the indians wʌ- was there.