[would you want to tell me...] [do you remember your first job?] oh. (..) well... [not fondly apparently.] not really. [laughs] my first job was a job in um... (..) I can't remember what it's called. bob's (.) country kitchen or something like that. [oh okay.] it's like a bob's big boy. [uhuh.] and um I was just a waitress. but I was (.) just waiting to get my job (.) out of (.) a year of school. [mhm.] um so I was looking for a dental assisting job. so I (.) had applied at several places and /wə/ just waiting. but I'd really didn't like being a waitress. it was just um... (.) I think I might now... well (.) not now [looks at self] but... um as got I older. and I knew better how to talk to people and things like that. but I was kinda shy. and you know it was really hard. um (.) but I did okay at it. and I did it for about (.) f:ive months until I did find a job. [okay.] and uh so that... it worked out okay. I met lots of nice people. but they're certainly not the people I want to spend my life with. [laughs] so... but then I got a job as a dental assistant except I got (.) two jobs. I got one job. (.) and the day I started there the dentist from the other (.) place called me. and (.) he wanted me to come in also. so I worked for the first guy about two weeks. and I turned in my (.) time and went to (.) work with the other guy. cause I liked his location better. and I liked his office better. this (.) other guy was really... [makes displeased face] (..) he was a... he had no s:ense of humor. no nothing. [really?] yeah. and he expected you to know I think what he was thinking. [nods] [m: mhm.] and I did fine working for that kind of a guy (.) a few years later. but I couldn't have done it right to start with. he was just tough. so those were my first two jobs that I didn't like. and then the job with the second dentist... I did like him. [so you were a dental um assistant?] assistant. [nods] oh great. not a hygienist... just assist- an assistant. [okay.] yepp. and I worked for... (.) I got married. then we went to virginia. and I worked there. and then we moved to tuscon or I mean tɜ- tempe arizona. and I worked there for a few years too. so... then I quit cause I could have kids. [laughs] [aw.] and I didn't have to work. and it was probably a good thing we moved (.) so many times (.) that um it would have been hard. I'd get a job. and then I'd have to quit. then get a job and have to quit. so... [shrugs shoulders] [m:...] and uh I just wanted to be a stay at home mom for a few years. and ðɜ- then when my youngest one went (.) to kindergarten... then I started (.) working again. then I went back as (.) a preschool teacher. [mhm.] so... [aw that's great.] that was the job I really liked. [nods] [aw that's so great.] yeah. [um and so you moved a lot um after you had children?] mhm. [nods] [oh okay.] we were in the airforce (.) about four years (.) before we had kids. but then... (..) um and we moved thirteen times during that time. [nods] [oh wow.] yeah. but we moved I think (.) eleven times [laughs] (.) with some of them. [laughs] [oh my goodness.] [uhuh.] so yeah. my daughter especially... she went to school... (..) she was born in (.) california. and she lived for a year and a half up in montana. and then we went to (.) colorado for a year while dan was in (.) thailand. [m:...] and then we moved down here. we were here three years. and then we moved to ohio for two years. and then we moved to albuquerque for four years. and then we moved here. [wow] so she had (a) a different school every two years. [wow.] cause even when we were in albuquerque for four years she went to fourth and fifth grade in one school and then she went to sixth and seventh grade in a middle school which changed everything. [m:...] um her best friend from (.) grade school moved away and stuff so... it was crazy. [mhm...] [wow.] but you know (.) she got... she knew how to meet people. and she knew how to get around that way. I think it worked in her favor. [nods] yeah. [mhm it sounds like it.] so yeah. [that's great.] yeah. so it was interesting. [uhuh.] [so you must have just gotten to experience a lot of different places.] oh we did. [did any of those places stick out?] I liked sacramento california. [ah.] I loved it out there. I'm not sure I would now. but I loved it back then. [nods] [ah.] um I loved that. eh montana wasn't... [shakes head] I wasn't very fond of that. it was just winter time too much. [yeah.] and um... and (.) it's a small town. you know it's only sixty thousand people in that town. [m:...] no towns in montana are big. [laughs] [mhm.] um (..) and I did like it when we came here the first time. I loved it actually. [m:...] I didn't think I would because I didn't like phoenix. [m:...] but I did like it here. [mhm.] and then I didn't like ohio. and albuquerque... I liked too. and x had a choice of staying there or coming here [mhm] uh dan's last two years in the airforce. um and (.) we decided to come back here. [nods] and this is where I've been ever since. [mhm.] I love it here.