well I moved to tuscon on account of work (.) uh from new york. cause the work was all dried up. and uh (...) uh... (..) I don't know. [shrugs shoulders] the... s- just why I moved there you know? [mhm.] that uh was about ɚt you know? workin'. [so do you like living in tuscon?] oh yeah. [yeah.] yeah. [nods] but I uh (.) moved to benson. [oh okay.] yeah. I lived in tuscon for quite some time. uh (.) and uh uh (..) I bought a house. uh (.) and I bought another house (.) (.) uh (..) uh in benson. and my son bought a house. and so (..) he and his wife uh... (..) he's an electrician at uh (.) xxx. [company name] and (.) his wife is a gaɪ- guidance kaʊs- counselor uh (.) in uh (.) benson. and so... (...) anything else? [maybe you could tell me a little bit about your son?] (.) uh yeah. he's a great kid. you know? and uh (..) he's got two girls. uh (..) uh they're uh heavy and into sports. uh (..) s- uh (.) alisha is grædruetəŋ uh (.) this year. and chloe uh... (..) she's a f:reshman. um (.) uh (..) uh we're real proud of əm. yeah. [I bet.] yeah. she pitches softball. [oh okay.] yeah. [nods] so... uh (..) and she got a scholarship (.) from (..) some place in phoenix that I don't know for sure. and uh (.) uh it's a dʒun- junior college. so... [nods] [oh good for her.] mhm. [nods] [that's awesome.] [um do you think maybe you could tell me about a trip that you guys took maybe as a family um any trip just...] [do you have a favorite that you can think of?] um (..) well (.) we went down to v- wako just a few months ago. um (.) it's a real (.) interesting kə- town you know? a lot of antiques and stuff like that. [distorted first sound of that?] I like æntən- antiques. um but um (..) um my wife's son (.) uh [waves hand] uh (..) he's um (.) um (.) sʌm- somethin' to do with medicals field. um (..) you're gonna have to ask my wife. uh (..) uh (.) and my daughter in law... uh (..) she's kind of uh (.) a blogger. you know... uh she writes a blog and stuff like that. eh so... uh (..) uh (..) yeah. and um (..) they're goin' through this project through um (..) um (.) (..) uh what is it the... (..) on one of the TV stations they're reworkin' their house. you know... [oh okay.] yeah. uh that should be done in about (.) next month θʌm- sometimes. yeah. [well that's exciting.] yeah. [nods]