Penn Corpus

Claire Penn (1951-2018)
Speech Pathology and Audiology
University of Witwatersrand

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Media folder

Participants: English and Afrikaans people with aphasia
Type of Study: Various media files, mostly conversation, not all transcribed
Location: South Africa
Media type: audio and video
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5XG89

Citation information

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one corpus reference. If none is given, please use the primary AphasiaBank reference:

MacWhinney, B., Fromm, D., Forbes, M. & Holland, A. (2011). AphasiaBank: Methods for studying discourse. Aphasiology, 25,1286-1307.

General Overview

Only 1 media file has been transcribed and the situation for that is described as a Wernicke Group Interview.