[so um maybe you could tell me about what you and your wife like to do in tuscon.] uh (.) what do we do? well (..) course uh (.) uh [gestures] I take (.) t- to uh (.) class with uh (.) that one. [gestures to student] and then when I take another one with uh (.) fabby. [m:...] uh... [holds on to table] [chair wheels away] [laughs] [sorry about those wheels.] xxx. uh (...) we usually go out (.) once a week. maybe t- twice. [hm...] uh (...) otherwise not... oh there's... every two weeks there's uh (..) uh kənæstə. I play uh (...) what's it called? [shrugs shoulders] (...) anyway. there's [gestures to student] on the uh... (.) anyway. [okay.] that one. uh... [is it uh is it a card game?] no (..) looks like [gestures] (..) uh x- hɑ- [gestures]... (...) [okay.] it's got uh (..) kənæst- no... not kənæstə... [whispered] no (.) uh... [so some sort of game.] [is that right?] yeah that's right that's right. [okay.] three hours. [oh good.] x then goes when... there's a day we have the (.) uh (..) members (.) meeting for that. that is all uh (..) uh (..) <əmɛrɪ- not american> english /pi-/ people. [oh.] [gestures with fingers] about (...) (.) thirty people. [mhm mhm.] yeah. [oh that's great.] uh (..) what else? (.) oh (..) uh (...) I have uh (...) uh t- t- uh <..> C O (..) N A... s-... (...) anyway. uh I have that every day or every two days. so I'm takin' that on a... it's just uh earphone. [gestures earphones over ears] [oh.] and uh (...) (..) no... [is it something at the university here or?] no it's (.) uh... (...) can I r-... [gestures to paper] [mhm.] [sure.] I know one... [mhm.] [writes something] that's wrong... [contract?] no that's wrong. uh (...) [writes] um (..) G H A... (..) [continues writing] [contrast?] yeah. contract. [contract?] oh... (.) yeah. anyway. it's about an hour [gestures one finger] (..) on a computer. [gestures typing] [oh okay.] [so you do something on a computer and it involves headphones you said.] [nods] [is that right?] yeah x right. and I... x parts of uh... (..) [and you listen to information?] yeah there's about ten section... some of uh (.) uh reading... [okay.] x x x uh xx. [okay.] uh (.) then x uh I'm uh started learning art. [oh art.] yeah. [oh that's wonderful.] well not really but... [I bet that's fun.] yeah it is. yeah mhm. [that's great that's great.]