[what did we have you do first?] [the…] big one [gestures a square, maybe a screen] so [lateralized s] click click click. [gestures clicking remote] [the two words?] [right?] yes. [lateralized s] [was that yeah…] [how was that?] (.) /ɪs/ okay yeah. [nods] [uhuh.] [nods] [mhm.] [shrugs shoulders] [and um and then the next one we had was the st- the story…] right. [nods head] [could you hear it okay?] oh yes [lateralized s] mhm. [nods] [was it easy to follow?] yes uhuh. [lateralized s] mhm. [nods] [uhuh good.] [you did great on the questions.] [and then the picture naming.] [how did that go?] [how did you feel like...] it was [lateralized s] okay. xxx [stuttering] another um half a (.) second I woulda (.) come x something. [so a little more time you would've liked?] (.) yeah little bit. [just a little more time.] mhm. [nods] [mhm.] [and then when the pictures were blurry um or...] yeah. [or there were no pictures it was fine to just...] yeah. lie still. mhm. [nods] [okay good.] [good okay great.] ------------------------------ [so if you could maybe tell me about um your first job?] (.) my first job? [mhm.] (.) uh (.) when I græ- graduated at uh f- twenty-two... uh and then I (.) t- uh called the uh (.) the company bɜktəl. uh (..) workin' (.) uh (.) what we doin'. and then I f-... in that when I when had uh (.) Belgium for a year. [gestured continuing for a year] (..) uh then (.) uh (...) I x for six years uh which is in London. then I (.) went to uh (.) uh (.) San Francisco (.) where uh... (..) still worked at bɜktəl for about and then carried on with əm. (.) uh then I got (.) s- four months in uh (...) Norway (gestures up) and t- uh <ɪŋlə-> [gestures higher up] uh way up in uh (..) Canada. then I went to (.) uh (...) oh wʌs it called? uh (...) Tusɑn. no... [shakes head] (...) anyway... [waves hand down] so I went there. and then I left and was (.) takin' off [points to right] (..) to go over to uh (.) B P. [oh.] uh and (.) I spent a year wə- workin' uh (.) a big one in uh (..) uh (.) oh god... ɪ- ɪ- it's in uh [gestures up] (...) xxx era... (..) /prudo be/. [disfluent first sound] (...) uh (..) uh five years. then I went to [gestures over to right] wait a minute in ɪŋ- in f- uh (..) <ænkrɪtʃ> <ænkrɪs> <ænkrɪst> <ænkɚrst> (..) ænkrɪst... [waves hand] (...) anchorage. that's better. yeah. and I worked (.) four years. and then I... next one I would have uh seven years are the uh (...) again with anchorage xx up north [gestures up] and /prudo be/ back xx [gestures down] back x back x seven years. [gestures back and forth] uh (..) then I uh went two years in uh Venezuala. came back. (.) uh worked for... then I did f- f- four years of uh (.) in uh (..) n- near uh (...) oh (..) uh (...) god (..) D A U A Y... [spelled out with finger on table while saying] (...) oh in uh (..) nɪ- nɪ- next to uh (..) Saudi Arabia. (..) and I came back uh (..) x a day. [laughs] and then I went and worked uh (..) in London. and then I came here when (...) [hit neck with hand] bang. and that was it. then I stopped... (..) and that was it.