[so maybe you could tell me more about your son?] (..) about my f- əb-... okay. first guy... it would be (..) [writes something] travis. no no... that's travis. x x is dʌ- dʌstənd. [okay.] [so you have two sons?] mhm. and he's a golfer. [oh okay.] /e/ lɪ- lɪ he lives up back (.) with the... [writes something] he /bɪnd/ about three different (.) places. and he likes that. and this x. [points to paper] this is travis. [continues writing] he's (.) (..) uh (..) [writes] uh (..) he's a what... (..) I can't think it. but <ɜnwe> anyway I have three. [do they live here in arizona?] no. [no?] no. [shakes head] [where do they live?] (.) this guy [points to paper] is back in (..) [writes] or... [shakes head] (...) tag C. kansas. [oh okay.] <æts> that's travis. then (.) dustin... he's back right today ɪnd uh (..) [continues writing] (...) aɪ-dɪn... indiana. [okay.] yeah. [so what brought you and your wife to tuscon?] (..) I wanna play golf. that's what I wanted. and that's... see [gestures right hand use] I can't do my hand. and this hand [points to left hand] ɪ- g- (..) dʌ-ənt go. [shakes head] [m:...] I do anything with her. I can shaken. [gestures picking up pen] I can ʃ- like this stuff. [gestures using pen] I can do that. but (.) just (.) pretty [distorted] (.) rik half. and this gives a lot of xxx. this they... anyway. I gave it up. (..) and I really liked it. but I can't... but anyway... and we plays up here. and in the uh... (..) this is my what f: [writes something] (..) about fifteen. fifteen. [you've been here for fifteen years?] mhm. [nods] [okay.] [wow that's a long time.] it has been. [nods] it has xxx. yeah. [so was the weather a part of your move from indiana?] that's right. no we were [writes] at (...) no [whispered] [crosses out something that was written] (.) uh (..) used to /ben/... it's a (.) um (...) I can't mɜmbɚ. uh (..) well anyway I can't mɜmbɚ what that thing is. x. [can you tell me what it was like growing up in indiana?] (.) I liked it. yeah. I liked it. yeah. (.) x it was (.) really [distorted] nice. naɪ- nice. you know we didn't have nir- nearly xx that they have uh... but uh yeah I liked that. [nods] [can you tell me about um some of your favorite things that you used to do in indiana?] (...) hm (...) well we come from a (.) for th:ree... [writes] (..) um [stops writing] (..) (...) xxxx w- what do you... [maybe you could tell me about um an activity that you enjoyed growing up or...] (..) played golf (.) up there. [you played golf?] we lived uh (.) about a f- uh- f- a:bout a half-ənt (...) uh... (...) [writes] xxxx [muttering]... [pushes paper away] I'm just tryin' tə... (..) uh well I'm dʒ- xx [muttering] pl- pl- played the boat. (..) [writes] played... (..) uh no xx... (..) I can't (.) that stuff. earlier in the sample: (4:15) I went down to [distorted first sound?] <ʃɚt> <ʃɚt> [distorted first sound?] [writes] ʃɚt? [church?]