[would you wanna tell me about your family?] hm yeah. [shrugs shoulders] [or what you enjoy doing or anything you'd like.] uh uh [shrugs shoulders] (.) uh... (.) uh (..) [points up] land. uh x... uh (...) l- uh... (..) uh (.) uh (.) əg- əgʌs... x um ah... (..) x uh (..) dɪs uh (..) x land uh (.) [gestures with hands] x (.) uh uh x (..) uh læ- land uh uh (.) uh r- uh... (...) house x [mhm] uh... Sheri (..) I. [gestures towards self] house [gesture off to distance] (..) m- land. uh (..) uh æho... [gestures "A" with fingers] [points to right] [oh okay.] oh... x x. [you have some land in aho?] yeah. [is that right?] no yes. but uh (..) [points to right] yeah. [nods] uh (.) house. okay. two /dos/. [points both directions] [you have two houses?] xx. [okay one in tuscon and one in aho?] x no there's... [points to right] yeah yeah. xxx. [waves hand] uh (..) yeah. [laughs] [maybe not aho...] yeah. [but somewhere else.] yeah yeah. [okay okay.] yeah. [so you you you spend time at both homes?] jə- yeah. yeah. [nods] [okay.] x uh yeah. [nods] [excellent.] yeah. [nods] [uhuh.] [and what do you like to do in your free time?] (.) land. [mhm.] uh... [work outside?] yes. [uhuh.] yes yes. yeah. uh (..) də [gestures with hands] uh [points forward] [mutters] uh (..) uh... [sighs] uh [gestures] (..) there's a xxx uh (..) uh (.) uh... (..) uh (..) uh x wɑldor [distorted? approximation of welder]. [oh okay.] yeah. [okay.] yes. [welding?] yes. [so you do some welding now?] x uh yeah. [points up to the right] [uhuh.] [oh great.] [what do you like to make?] uh (..) uh (..) uh (..) uh (.) də (..) s- x- signs [distorted s's?]. [gestures rectangle] x this. [mhm.] I x [approximation of draw?]... uh oh... (..) uh (..) uh daughter [mhm] (.) uh (.) uh [gestures to hair] x x... [mhm.] I [points to self] (.) uh [gestures] (..) dɪs... (.) [points to examiner] (.) uh (..) I xx... [gestures across room] xx (..) uh uh uh x x (.) ah... [laughs] yeah. [does she have a building for her um...] uh uh yeah. but uh (.) uh house... [points to right] [mhm.] uh... [does she do it in her home?] yes. [okay.] uh hæ-. [gestures structure to right] hɜs. [gestures structure to left] hɜs. [gestures structure straight ahead] [mhm mhm.] yeah. [mhm.] [she's got kind of an extra area...] jə- yeah x no. [gestures structure ahead] x yeah yeah. [gestures bigger structure] [or a guest house or..] dɪs. [uhuh.] yes yes. [excellent excellent good.] x... [so you've helped her build that?] (.) yes. [distorted first sound?] [oh...] yes. yeah. [I bet she was very appreciative of that.] ah yes yeah. [laughs] [good] yeah. [good.] [anything else you enjoy doing?] nɔ. (..) uh (..) muzɪk. [mhm.] [great great excellent.] uh (.) uh (.) uh (..) uh (..) t- t- (.) uh [gestures] (.) uh (.) [gestures playing piano] /pe/ (.) uh [gestures playing guitar] s- uh (..) m- uh (..) x uh x-... (..) /tiɑ/. [mhm.] uh [gestures accordion] hordiən. [uhuh.] x [points to self.] xx. [you play that?] m- uh... [shrugs shoulders] [shakes head] [you like to listen to it?] no. [oh okay.] I uh [gestures guitar]... [uhuh you play...] yes. [that instrument?] [mhm.] yeah. [points to right] uh [points all around room] /mu/ uh xxx. [uhuh.] yeah. uh (..) x- x- muzɪk. uh (..) uh I (..) uh (.) uh uh xxx uh muzɪk uh group? [throws hands in air] [shakes head] [mhm.] [gestures] x yeah. [mhm.] yes. [do you play with others?] yeah. [in a band?] x... uh yeah. [uhuh.] uh uh (.) but uh... [gestures] (..) [mhm.] uh go x x x [muttering like] [gestures] uh (.) uh... [shakes head] [mhm.] yeah. [do you enjoy listening to music too?] yeah. [yeah.] yeah. [excellent.] yeah. [oh that's great.] xxx. [yeah.]