[maybe you could share with me um anything you want a good childhood memory or...] a good childhood memory. [laughs] hm... um (.) wow. I don't know. um... (...) I don't know. it's um... (...) wow. I just (.) have lots of things g- through my mind. um... (..) wow. [laughs] um okay. ɪ- ɪ- if um... this was in morenci... [points to right] my work took me [distorted?] to morenci. and um I did (.) tools and s- that um (.) for the minors. [mhm.] and um (...) there was an instant where (.) the lady came down and ʃ- wanted three or four boxes of ducktape. and okay I soldəd her. she (.) wanted it for (.) the trees and the baseball park that had (...) the bark come off. and she wanted to wrap it. [gestures confusion] I don't know. [laughs] də- but θr- four cases of ducktape. [nods] [wow.] [so that was when you were working you...] uhuh. [nods] [interesting.] mhm. [how interesting.] [how long have you been in tuscon?] um (.) I don't know. forty five (.) years or so? I was lived in illinois from a time I was born til (.) I was twelve. and then (.) [gestures to left] tuscon. and my job took me f- to morenci silver city and back again. [gestures location for each place] [m: mhm mhm.] [um what do you like about tuscon?] (..) the laid back of it all. um (..) and it's not cold. I just don't like the cold. [mhm mhm.] [yeah yeah.] [good.] [um tell me how you got into being a tool distributor.] (..) well (.) my brother worked there first. and my (.) sister in law worked there too. and (.) um (..) I had guy breakin' his leg. and (.) (.) he was called me up. and (.) I was there. [and that's how you got into it.] yeah yeah. [nods] and I was there for thirty years. [wow.] before I had my stroke. and that's (..) when I retired. [mhm mhm.] [what was um important to know about that business?] (...) it's awfully (..) s- different (.) things each day. [m: mhm.] [it was constantly changing?] yeah. [nods] [uhuh.] the s- stayed the same. but then it changed. and I... [throws hands up] [laughs] [the tools themselves changed?] yeah yeah. [nods] [ah uhuh.] [did you like interacting with people different types of people?] oh yeah oh yeah. [nods] [uhuh.] [very nice.] x x I did monitors and city of tuscon and pimə county. [mhm mhm.] all kinds of others. [mhm.] [great.] [do you miss um was it illinois you said?] mhm. [uhuh.] [do you miss illinois?] yes. no wait... no () that's not... (..) I miss... (.) no no I don't miss any of that. [mhm mhm.] my sister stɪls live back here. [gestures to right] and she w- comes out here [gestures to left] (..) two times a year. and (.) she's gonna move out here soon so... [oh uhuh uhuh.] [so she likes it out here too.] (.) oh yeah. she lived out here for a while. [mhm mhm.] and then... I don't know. [laughs]