[so maybe you could tell me do you have any...] I (.) have a dog. di (.) uh... walk tə dog. and x the (.) leash. (..) I (..) the the uh /lis/. uh (..) no uh (..) x no x d-run. [mhm.] yes. [participant nods] [that's right you were telling me about...] [and she's pretty new for you...] yes. [uhuh.] [aw so you're havin' fun with her.] (..) [with the dog?] yes. [uhuh.] [good.] the (.) come treat. [uhuh.] come treat. [gestures calling dog and giving treat] [nods] [yepp that's so important right to follow right with the treat?] yes. [nods] [good.] [are you headed anywhere this summer?] no. [are you gonna get outta town?] no no. [shakes head] [no no.] maybe the um (..) mountains. [distorted] medi. [distorted] [do you go to mount lemon?] no. [shakes head] [is that what you mean by mountains?] [no?] no tɑvofrɑdo [distorted]. [oh colorado?] yes. [nods] [oh okay.] [that would be nice.] [um what uh what kind of engineer were you?] ɜləlɜkɪtʃrəl [distorted] x yes. [nods head] [uhuh uhuh.] [and um did you like bein' an engineer?] yes. [nods head] [uhuh what kind of things did you work on?] (..) um (.) ændɑrtədkɑ. [distorted] ænt... [antarctica?] yes. [oh my goodness.] to um (..) the (.) wʌnd and a hæft [distorted] years. [nods] [wow you did you live there?] yes yes. [nods] [in antarctica?] yes um x [distorted] station [distorted]. [okay.] [participant nods] [wow so what were you doing in antarctica?] (..) xx [distorted] uh uh I owned a fir [distorted] grisɑlts. [distorted] I owned a fir [distorted] [gestures up high] tree [distorted] salt. [distorted] [okay.] [you owned...] no um (..) I /ɑnd/ [distorted] a fir. [distorted] [gestures high up with both hands] [you were on a...] no no [shakes head] (.) the um... (...) [gestures to the right and back again multiple times] [mhm.] [yeah maybe we can ask her at the end.] yes. [nods] [yeah.] [yeah I do wanna hear about this.] [nods] [so um what other projects did you do...] [were you mainly in arizona when you were working?] no no. [shakes head] [no no.] kadofrɑdo. [mhm.] um (..) um (...) the um (..) um (.) I B M. [oh right.] [okay IBM.] there's a tʃr- the [holds up three fingers] (..) tri xx [distorted] [distroted] x- [distorted] uh (...) [distorted] ælʒasirs x dʒɑrmæni [distorted]. [germany.] yes. [nods] [right okay.] [that's right.] [so you've really gotten to do some neat things.] yes yes. [oh that's great that's great.] [and um um what do you enjoy doing in your free time nowadays besides uh training your dog?] yes. [nods] [points at examiner] busy busy. [distorted] [yeah that keeps you busy?] [nods] [yeah.] [anything else that you enjoy doing?] (...) I (..) uh x the uh (..) T V x the xx- [shakes head] xx-... [gestures moving on] [shakes head] [so on...] [do you watch tv?] maybe yeah. [nods] [some.] [yeah yeah.] [okay good.] [well it sounds like your dog has really stolen your heart.] yes. [laughs] [nods] [aw I love that.] I have a k- tæt. [oh and a cat?] yes. bæg ol' cat. [a big old cat?] no. [no.] bægoldi [distorted] uh... ... the um... (...) [points to wife outside] [uhuh uhuh.] [have you had your cat for a long time?] yes. [nods] [mhm now now he's second fiddle to the dog?] (..) tʃ- she [distorted] dʌdənt [distorted] like dʌ dog [distorted]. [gestures putting paws up] x xx. [laughs] [uhuh she does get along well with the dog?] no no no. [shakes head] [I know.] [I know that's how our cat and dog were yeah.] [there's a reason they say you fight like cats and dogs.] [participant laughs]