x the uh xxxx. [approximation of antarctica] the h- had a dog. I pɚtʃetɪn [distorted] xx [approximation of husky?] dog. [okay I'm hearing dog.] yes. xx. [approximation of husky?] [wife: husky.] [husky.] [are you telling me about your dog right now that you have?] no. [shakes head] [oh.] [wife: this was in antarctica.] [oh my goodness.] x john [distorted] x the um x- xx [approximation of doctor?] xx [approximation of smuggled] it in. [points to wife] [wife: smuggled the dog in the doctor did.] x- um (..) x- xx the um... I (.) w- uh I want to [distorted] train [distorted..past tense vs. error? ended in d sound] it. x- x- uh I lɪz (.) x- uh (.) one and a half xx [holds up 3 fingers] uh hours. xx... uh x xx... [approximation of station] (.) the xx... and uh I xxx [approximation of introduced] the x- x xx... [approximation of station]... the (..) x- xx [approximation of navy] [navy mhm] x- x (..) x [approximation of C Vs] [points to wife] [wife: CVs]... [CVs?] [wife: special forces of the navy.] yeah. [oh this was when you were in antarctica.] yes. [you got to smuggle in a husky.] yes. [okay good so you got to have a dog there.] yes yes. [that's great.] x- um... [and you were there for the navy?] no. [what was the navy part?] xxxx research. [distorted approximation of ionosphere research] the (..) navy [distorted] CVs [distorted] uh liked the dog. I... [somebody liked the dog?] [wife: the navy cvs.] [oh liked the dog.] yes. [so you got to have the dog there.] yes. [that's great.] the um x- CVs [distorted] trained it x- x [sounded like "drought" maybe combo of drink out?] a water fountain. [distorted] [gestures water fountain] [what was your first job your first job?] [do you remember?] [maybe when you were a teenager?] (...) um (..) I worked [distorted] for [distorted] the um... [wife: you were a paper boy first.] yes. but um (..) um (..) xx- um... I was a (..) a paper [distorted] x- x [approximation of boy]. d- door. [distorted] and um... (...) [did you enjoy that job?] [as a paperboy?] yes. uh (..) the xx [approximation of singing?]... I xx x-... the [gropes] the early [distorted] morning I sang. [gestures singing] [you sang?] yes. [oh you sang and you earned money?] no. [oh oh oh.] [wife: in the early morning.] [nods] later: the wɛdɚ [distorted] cold.