[so maybe you could tell me more about Germany?] [your time there.] well /a/- I was there to fix a (.) r:ocket. æ- æ- ænd uh uh so I went to Norway to fix a rocket. and then I had a little time. because I had to go to Fra- France. and so I went t- to a few different type of uh k- k- kʌn- countries. and then um um I have two (.) cities (.) in Germany um uh uh to see a very very old uh uh aunt and um for a few days. and then I have a s- south dʒɚ- germany to see a friend from college. um and um the first time I saw ð- ð- ð- the girl she was a baby. [hm...] um and of course I wasn't there. but they got three more kids. [oh.] and so I was there for two weeks. and uh so during the day I hə- h- (.) hike (..) ə- around. and then I come home when they get home from school. and um except for the youngest one. it was a baby. um r- r- r- running around. b- but um uh uh uh so much fun. um (.) and of course (.) the first one... uh when she was bor- [distorted] born it was a baby. and then by the next time I went to germany she was... I think she was seven. [hm.] you know um and uh... yeah it was a lot of fun. and um my friend... um (.) his (..) mɑ- mother from time to time she would say um oh you have to come to the sɪ- city. wə- we'll go there for lunch and walk around. um i- even then I like m- museums. [uhuh.] and so um... yeah. um it was a lot of fun. yeah (.) um... [so you went to a lot of museums there in Germany?] uh (.) just two or three. but um uh (.) uh his mother and his father... um they were there in Germany to uh teach people about (.) God [mhm] and the (.) bible. [mhm.] and so um (..) uh... but sometimes... two or three times um she didn't have to do anything. and she would call and then say hey when the boys go to school um you wanna go with me? and so that's why I went to the museums and stuff. and yeah so... yeah ðə- ðə- ðə- ðə- that was a lot of fun. [mhm.] yeah. [oh that's great.] [have you been to a lot of other um foreign countries?] yeah a bunch actually. [laughs] [uhuh.] yeah. [uhuh that's so great.] um a few places I was there for a few hours. [m:...] but (.) some of the others um (.) three or four days at least. [mhm.] and then like in Norway... well the first time I was there two weeks. and then um (.) f- Finland... I was there (.) at least two weeks. [m:...] and then back to n:orway. and then the polar. and then um uh... (...) green (..) where the ocean [mhm] uh uh where the ice... ice... [mhm was it greenland?] (..) both. you know ice- [iceland yeah.] yes and green- ... um there's not too much there. [mhm.] um all the good stuff on the ice... (..) uh uh and um... except I remember um uh (..) the uh the men there... (..) um (.) they don't like it when you talk to the women t- too much. [distorted ending of much? substitution?] [really?] and I don't know why it was like that until... um I don't know the language but sh- sh- she got really mad. [m:...] really mad. and um uh all the men went away. [oh.] and um (..) I didn't know this. but um there's four or five men for one woman. [wow.] and so um uh y- you know they were thinking they're going to steal the women. [right.] and (.) like I said I don't know the language. but I said what did you say? they were really mad. and ð- they said you're only here for uh you know ten days. and you're a pilot. you're not gonna (.) uh stay here. [yeah.] you know. [laughs] and I said okay. but yeah. so um I don't know that. [yeah.] you know. and um even at a s- s- s- S P spɑ- spɑr- s-... like the food... uh sorry. uh (..) S A... it won't come out. um (..) where you buy food... [m:...] [a store?] yeah super... [gestures for examiner to continue] [oh super store?] yes. yes. um it was the same when you're talk to a mʌn- a wʊ- woman just a little bit [distorted]. ðə- they don't say anything but the men... they go /bump/. [gestures elbowing to the right] you know and almost fall down. I went what the hell? [oh my goodness.] you know... and I just (.) like... [wow.] yeah. [hm.] yeah. [that's interesting.] but I guess that's what happens... there's... (...) I'm not sure why. but um uh the babies... there's more women there men. [oh huh.] yeah.