[so maybe you could tell me uh what is sarge's cheesecakes?] ɪ- ɪ- uh ɛ- uh it's a dʒr- a drink. and I can't say it. because it's so long. [okay.] but uh w- w- when you have the drink... um it's good for you [m:...] (..) for your stomach and stuff. um I'm a herb person. [uhuh.] and so um (.) uh the easy way to do it... it- it- it's a tea. so /i-/ either hot or (.) cold. [uhuh.] um but it's not regular tea. kɔ- kəmu- (.) kə- kəmu- (.) not sure if it's in there or not... k- k- ... that's why I can't say it. kəmu- kəmbu- um... but anyway um um (.) uh uh there's kʊ- uh k- coffee too. but um um uh green gr-... you know x x ro- roasted. [m:...] and um uh tastes very good. but like I said when the beans are green (.) um uh they taste a little different. and the first time when xx tries x say wow that's coffee? yeah. coffee should be that all the time. [wow.] um (.) the other guys... sparked sp- sp- sp- spart sp- sp- sp- S T star place over there... [points to right] (.) I can't do the rest. [okay.] um um uh um ð- they roast it too much. actually I think it's burnt. [m:...] you know... um (.) so uh but any- any- anyway um uh I got no money from it or any- anything like that. but I clean up around there and stuff. and they're very good for me. um (.) uh usually I have me lunch and stuff laɪ- laɪ- laɪ- like uh chinese place or whatever. I mean they're really good. and then sometimes they give me uh a couple dollars. uh laɪ- like I made twenty dollars yɛ- yesterday. it's not a lot. but that's for gas. you know? [mhm mhm.] and um uh of course we're starting. because um uh maybe one of those days ð- they'll say you know what? you work enough um I'll pay you. [m:...] but (.) for right now um uh I put stickers on things. I put you know... and um you know me. I don't like T V. and um /i-/ either I wanna make something or do something or help someone. and then um (..) uh (..) um (..) how do you say it? um... one of the guys at church um uh (.) uh died. [m:...] æn- and x- x- b- b- b- b- bor- (.) b- bɔ- x- xx x- bʊləm bɚdəm oh... [distorted vowels?] under ground... [gestures under ground] what's it called? bu- (.) B I think (.) E U x- bɚl- bɚəld? [gestures] [m:... mhm mhm.] yeah I only got part of it. sorry. um and then um (..) uh w- w- w- as soon as I put the guy in the ground um (.) on the way going to the uh ca:fe um (.) uh one of the guys kɑ- called me and says um (.) uh um (.) [REDACTED] died. [hm...] and I said wow. and um he said yeah. um how s- s-... (.) S A I T H si- si- (.) (..) her name... [m:...] um the daughter. [m:...] he says... uh well you can prɑbli hear he's crying. dʒ- dʒ- dʒ- it just happened. [hm.] I said wow. (.) and I'm x the first one? you know? which is (..) kind- kinda weird. he said yeah yeah the first one. and because um I know you're seeing her from time to time. uh he had a stroke. [hm...] and... um uh but ɛh uh they talk just fine. [mhm.] but uh from a stroke he's (.) uh [covers eyes] uh blind. [wow.] and well people do x- different things. um (.) people have a stroke and you can't walk. [gestures walking] [right.] you know? [right right.] uh x- x- stroke xx things. but ɛn- anyway um they g- go- bɔ- bought... they bought a little d- dog. and so wherever it goes um uh... it's really cool. very small. æn- and w- w- w- when he goes like uh door or some- something um the dog knows how to stop. so that way you can go hi. or down you know? [oh...] x- x- just a little dog. but very smart and... uh but anway... [oh my goodness.] um (.) um but yeah. um luckily um there's no cancer. and I mean she was eighty. [m:...] um but I knew x [distorted] husband [mhm] (..) um when he died about six years ago. [m:...] now um just really great people. you know? but um yeah... but one right after another. [ugh...] by the way the other guy they bɚd? what do you call that? [um burned?] no put it under ground. [gestures under ground] [buried?] buried? buried. that's what it is. [mhm.] bɛr- when they buried x- um uh he was (..) uh eighty eight. [m:...] [mhm.] you know? so (.) ugh now um (.) I feel old. [m:...] [mhm.] you don't think about until you know um... [you have some people dying around you some friends and...] yeah... well you know I like to make things out of wood. and you know. so um I think the reason why we're friends is um the oldə guys know a lot. [mhm.] and so I learn uh uh a lot of thing from them. and [yeah] uh so I guess (.) there's not too many people that they talk to older people... [uhuh.] but man they're smart. [oh yeah.] well think of the war [uhuh] and all the stuff that they've gone through. [oh definitely.] um... [they've had a wealth of experience.] and... (.) yeah so I feel like... (...) æ- at night um uh x x x x x [uhs? fragments of I? stuttering?] I was watching an old movie. and uh I had a tea. and I thought to myself (.) wait (.) if they're dying [hm...] that means I'm old. [hm...] [but you're quite a bit younger than they are.] yeah:... but um (.) more than half your life is done. [mhm.] because usually people die between sixty five and: maybe eighty. [mhm.] you know? [yeah.] um uh so the thing about it is I'm fifty four. [mhm mhm.] um more than half... [gestures over half] [yeah yeah it's true.] [I know...] [it's hard when those life events surround us happen. [and it reminds us of our age...] [I know.] well not of that. but um a name is a name. [mhm.] but um all a sudden xx like wait that means I'm old. [yeah.] you know um uh I feel fine. um... [mhm.] you know? uh... yeah it's like... [yeah mhm.] yeah. [yeah.] [well all we can do is keep living the life we got right?] x- [and just keep trying to make the most of everyday.] do you mɛmbɚ x you were twenty five? [(.) vaguely yeah.] exactly. right? [right.] æn- æn- and I thought to myself (..) wow. [I know.] um I'm wondering uh now a days uh if they look at me. because my h- hair [gestures towards hair] is you know... æn- and you know... ɪ- uh boy x- ol- old guy... [m:...] [right right I know.] I wonder what they're thinking. [yeah I know.] [I hear ya.] [age is a strange thing.] [it is.] yeah. [yeah.]