hm well I'm going to f- (.) uh (.) fabby hersh. uh (.) her... (..) and she also has two s- monday and wednesday... uh she has one little... I also take one little... (.) uh (..) uh (..) it's actually a single one on one (.) after the thing on monday. [m:...] so I'm gettin' that. um (..) I don't know. it's uh (..) (..) I guess... did you wanna know about the aphasia when I had it? [anything you'd like to talk about sure.] hm well I had you know on the (.) uh (..) (..) um (...) sixteenth... it's April. and I had a um (.) a (.) stroke on the way to (.) our... June and I were gonna meet a guy (.) (.) uh north of uh (...) new mexico. [m:...] and (.) over near... (..) have you ever heard of uh... (..) no I can't tell you. it was a (.) um good meeting. and (.) we were just about hm fifteen miles away from it. and (.) I had a stroke. [hm...] just a stroke. [while you were driving?] yeah. [m:...] (.) I was driving our truck [mhm] with our trailer behind it and (.) two horses inside of it. and the thing (.) um (.) just started xx. I started to go over to the right. and my wife says what's the matter with you? and I says well just rÉ™-... and I gave it more gas. and so she popped over the steering wheel and got us under control [m:...] and stopped us. and she... first car that she stopped was a guy that was from the place right there. [hm:...] and uh this guy his wife and a girlfriend... and he loaded me into this other car. and uh took me down to the base of the hill. [gestures bottom of hill] and he found out another car was going up. so he had them come on down loaded me up. and then that car took me to another (..) (..) um (...) helicopter [hm:...] and then got me into there and took me to the place. and I was in (.) a (..) special place for that uh then about two hours. [wow.] so [wow] that's what happened to me. [do you remember all of those details?] yeah except for about (.) oh I guess the first few minutes I don't remember. [mhm.] but (.) after that I was good. [wow wow.] [and then you were there for about three and a half weeks you said?] right. [uhuh.] right. [did you start receiving rehab there as well?] right right. [nods] yeah. I guess there was like three or four gals that gave me the you know basic speech (.) um the basic (..) maybe gettin' around [mhm] um you know all that kind of stuff. [mhm mhm.] so... [wow.] yeah. [oh my goodness.] but I was so glad that I was (.) so I don't end up bein' like some of those people that you know never got somethin' like that.