yeah pasadena... that would be good. I mean I lived on the east end (.) right maybe uh (.) oh three blocks from the park. and that was... what was it called? [CENSORED] wasn't it? [I don't know.] [it might have been.] [over by colorado and xx?] yeah yeah... no no not (.) uh... colorado was down the hill. but I think they called it [CENSORED]. um but anyway it was (.) a good park. um (.) my son was only... uh when I graduated (..) he was... (.) let's see... (..) he was born in february. so I graduated in august or september. and then (.) he came along. and uh I (.) loved to take him out there boy. and [laughs] he always would fall and have a big (..) nose job. [aw.] oh my gosh. and then shelly who was uh two years (.) older than him... she liked to go too. so yeah. it was a good time. uh (.) they had um um... we walked ə- along the... (..) oh the street was [CENSORED]... or I think it was [CENSORED]. um (.) and I don't require me to say that. but that's what I think it was. (.) um but um (.) the um... (..) we went and took əm to the uh... with the (.) car... no through the little um park... and they sit in the seat. and you wheel əm along. [mhm mhm mhmm] what is it called? [like a maybe a stroller?] yeah right right right. [uhuh.] so we did that. then uh (.) uh (.) the reason we lived there was because they were about (.) um (..) oh (..) maybe three or four blocks away from (.) uh (.) my (.) wife's sister. and her husband lived there. and so uh we had shelly. they had two girls (.) boom boom. and then we had a boy. [aw.] so man it was great. [laughs] [uhuh.] [what's a um what's a favorite memory you have with your kids growing up? hm... (..) hm (..) well Tim... you know he never wanted to be a veterinarian. but he always used to kid me. and then when he was small... and I guess um (..) (...) [laughs] he was like (.) five years old or six years old. and we had a part... and this was an old building but part of it was downstairs. and there was um... (.) part of it was lab. and then there was a cage for dogs and a cage for the cats. but then there was a little s- small part up above. and (.) doggonit the cats would get in there if they got loose. so this cat got loose got up in there and [laughs] we got Tim to go in there. and maybe he was only five or four or three something like that. but j- we said go in there. and get that cat. get that cat! [imitates talking to son] oh no I'm not gonna go in there! [imitates son's response] yes you are. [imitates talking to son] so (.) my brother bill and I s- just... go ahead... [imitates talking to son] and so he went in there and he got the cat. (.) and brought it out. oh we were so proud of him. [aw that's great.] yeah. [did he change his mind about how he felt about animals after that?] [shakes head] [no?] no. but he likes cats. [oh good good.] right right.