[what you've been up to lately?] my art. I'm into art now. [oh.] (.) mostly since my stroke. [oh my goodness.] [oh that's great.] I'm pretty good at it (.) for being sʌ- such a young ɑr- artist that way. [yes.] I like it a lot. (.) I'm not very good at it yet. [what kind of art is it?] mostly it's uh (..) pastels. bæstɛls and uh... I like əm a lot. [mhm.] I x- do other kind of art too but nɑ- mostly pastels. [uhuh.] [is it water color or paint or what?] they're uh pastels. they're um [gestures writing] (.) chalk. [oh.] chalk. [oh okay great.] [and what have you done so far?] [what have you drawn or...] a few real things. but mostly (..) uh skies (..) with uh a lot of um (..) x- not real stuff. mostly flek stuff. [uhuh uhuh.] [that's great.] but um I don't know (.) what else to say about art. [what else is keeping you busy?] everyday I got somethin' different. on mondays I go to aphasia class. on tuesdays mostly I go to (.) uh (.) (.) the uh... (...) we used to go to (..) um the library. [m:...] (.) the um (.) xx xx public library. but now a days I go upstairs to (..) ð- ð- (.) um xxx (.) (.) (.) (.) x- um (.) (.) [hm] (.) (.) (.) uh ... [it's adults you're talkin' about?] no no they're not adults. they're teenagers. [oh.] but they're not very (.) far along yet. (.)
  most of them are like pre teens. 
but a few of əm (.) have a...
they're teenagers.
and  uh (.)     (.) some of them go to art class (.) upstairs. 
I was  in the art class there one time. 
w-  with a young lady.
 she's gonna be sixteen. 
and (.)  (.) she's um (..)  very slim. 
[oh okay.]
 (.) but she's  pretty good shape.
but she's (.) a little (..)  (.) not quite like the rest of us.
 I'm like that now though. 
but (.) I don't know. 
[so you go to the library and see those people?]
no no (.) I used to go to the library. 
but until that ɛn-...
I just...
I don't go to the library very much anymore. 
I go upstairs to uh (.) this (...) reading and writing and all kinds of stuff.
and x- they're in a (.) some kind of a... (...)
I don't know what it is.
it's simple reading (.) and writing. 
[mhm mhm.]
 and we also (.) do as... (.) 
x- the guy that's in charge...
 (.) he's very good. 
he's very good at what he does. 
and (.) people (.)  uh there's  a very old (..) raccoon.  
[oh okay.]
 (.)   he's a  very old dʌ- animal. 
 he's in his thirties maybe.
that's old for a raccoon.
 (..) and a lot of  young kids wanna (.) kill him.
and other kids wanna (...)  (.)  (.) they wanna hɛ- dʒə- x-  show əm up as a (.) good animal. 
[oh okay.]
 uh  uh   it's    a reading. 
 we all  sat around in a... (.)
 the guy reads to us. 
[oh great.]
and most of əm (.) like it (.) a lot. 
[okay good.]
it's good.
[oh I bet that is fun.]