I remember when the [laughs] beatles first come out. [did you?] I was uh in the mediterranean. and uh (..) I got back to the ship and (.) <ɚ ɚ> in port in the states. and (.) there's a guy (.) uh (..) was sporting uh uh um uh (.) a beatle rɪ- wig. [oh.] and I never heard... what is a beatle? [laughs] [yeah.] yeah. I didn't know. [oh wow.] that's (.) somethin' ʌnmənonst to me. cause uh (..) uh you go out on the ship for six months x a time. you know? [yeah.] and [shrugs shoulders] [laughs] I didn't know... what is a beatle? [right right what is this beatle you're talking about?] yeah. right. [shrugs shoulders] I haven't the slightest idea. [laughs] [oh...] uh well [shrugs shoulders] that's... [well this actually is perfect cause I wanted to hear you talking for a few minutes.] [maybe you could tell me what it was like to to go out on the ship for six months at a time.] boring. [laughs] [boring?] yeah. [yeah?] yeah x you uh visited the (.) certain ports and stuff like that. [uhuh.] you know. and uh (..) uh (..) uh... my first trip (.) was uh (.) south africa. [oh.] uh uh I got to (.) visit uh table top mountain. and uh (.) uh in cape town. [wow.] uh (..) and we moved f:urther up the coast (.) uh to port elizabeth. uh (..) uh simons town... [hm.] uh (..) that was the only ports that I had. and uh we got to cross (.) um (.) zero zero zero zero (.) zero zero zero zero. [huh.] you know [gestures cross] [uhuh] the ikwe- equator. [mhm.] and uh yeah. and uh (.) on the marine core's birthday. [laughs] [oh wow.] [there ya go.] yeah. [that's great.] uh yeah. but uh... (..) and uh (..) I went to (..) uh (..) liberia. (.) all kinds of ports. you know? but... [what would you say to someone who was thinking about going into the military?] oh yeah [nods] yeah. [what advice would you give them?] uh (.) do it. [laughs] [yeah?] yeah. [it was a good experience?] oh x absolutely. and then decide what will you wanna make a career out of it or not. [shrugs shoulders] you know? but definitely take the chance. [nods] so x. [mhm.] but (..) okay. [laughs] [yeah.]