Baycrest Corpus

Jed Meltzer
Baycrest Hospital
University of TOronto

Participants: 14 PWAs, 20 controls
Type of Study: protocol
Location: Toronto
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/BAGA-2K46

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Johnston PR, McIntosh AR, Meltzer JA. Spectral slowing in chronic stroke reflects abnormalities in both periodic and aperiodic neural dynamics. Neuroimage Clinical, 2022 Dec 1; 37:103277. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103277.

Shah-Basak P, Sivaratnam G, Teti S, Deschamps T, Kielar A, Jokel R, Meltzer JA. Electrophysiological connectivity markers of preserved language functions in post-stroke aphasia. Neuroimage: Clinical, 2022;34:103036. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103036. Epub 2022 May 7.

Kielar A, Shah-Basak P, Patterson D, Jokel R, Meltzer J. (2022) Electrophysiological abnormalities as indicators of early-stage pathology in Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA): A case study in semantic variant PPA. Neurocase, 2022 Feb;28(1):110-122. doi: 10.1080/13554794.2022.2039207. Epub 2022 Mar 1.

Kielar A, Shah-Basak PP, Deschamps T, Jokel R, Meltzer JA. (2019) Slowing is slowing: Delayed neural responses to words are linked to abnormally slow resting state activity in Primary Progressive Aphasia. Neuropsychologia, 129:331-347. PMID: 31029594 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.04.007

Shah-Basak PP , Kielar A, Deschamps T, Verhoeff NP, Jokel R, Meltzer J. (2019) Spontaneous oscillatory markers of cognitive status in two forms of dementia. Human Brain Mapping, 40(5):1594-1607. PMID: 30421472 PMCID: PMC6865664 DOI: 10.1002/hbm.24470

Kielar A., Deschamps T, Jokel R., Meltzer JA. (2018) Abnormal language-related oscillatory responses in primary progressive aphasia. NeuroImage: Clinical 18:560-574. PMID: 29845004 PMCID: PMC5964832 DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2018.02.028

Kielar A, Deschamps T, Jokel R., Meltzer JA (2016, August). Functional reorganization of language networks for semantics and syntax in chronic stroke: Evidence from MEG. Human Brain Mapping, 2016 Aug; 37(8):2869-2893. PMID: 27091757 PMCID: PMC6867366 DOI: 10.1002/hbm.23212

Kielar A, Deschamps T, Chu R, Jokel R, Khatamian YB, Chen JJ, Meltzer JA. (2016, March) Identifying dysfunctional cortex: distinguishing the effects of stroke and aging on resting-state dynamics in MEG and fMRI. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2016 Mar 3; 8:40. PMID: 26973515 PMCID: PMC4776400 DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2016.00040 In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one of the above references.

Corpus Description

This corpus contains retellings of the Cinderella story from healthy older volunteers and patients with aphasia due to stroke, primary progressive aphasia, and MCI/AD. Participants were shown a story book with the Disney version of the Cinderella story illustrated; all words were covered and some pages determined to be less relevant were taped together so as not to be visible. Participants were invited to flip through the book for a few minutes on their own to re-familiarize themselves with the story. The book was then taken away, and they were asked to tell the story in their own words.

This study was approved by the Baycrest Research Ethics Board, protocol 11-17. Participants signed an extra consent form specifically authorizing the release of raw audio recordings (not completely de-identifiable) to a publicly available database.

In the CHAT transcripts, the Participant's ID Header tier includes age, sex, and Bedside Western Aphasia Battery Aphasia score. The transcript folder that can be downloaded from the above link has a 0doc folder with more detailed test data on each participant.

In addition to these recordings, we are prepared to provide additional information to qualified researchers who are analyzing them. Information includes: neuropsychological test scores, structural MRI images, resting state functional MRI, resting state MEG, task-related MEG, DTI, ASL. Due to the complexity of the data, we will review data access requests on a case by case basis. For information on these additional measures, please see the papers associated with this database.


This research was funded by the Alzheimer’s Assocation, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada’s Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery, the Ontario Brain Institute, and the Canada Research Chairs Program.

Usage Restrictions

There are some participants who did not sign the additional consent form authorizing release of audio information, mainly because this procedure was developed after their participation was complete and we were unable to contact them for post-hoc consent. If any researcher analyzes the available recordings, has promising results, and would like to access the rest of the data, we can find a way to make that happen without depositing the data in the main Aphasiabank database. The data may be analyzed and results reported in aggregate. In general, the raw audio recordings may not be played for a broad audience in public presentations, conferences, or web pages. However, some participants did specifically consent to such educational use – any proposed use should be cleared with us first to ensure that such consent was obtained.