UCL Corpus

Michael Dean
Department of Language and Cognition
University College London

UCL Communication Clinic
Chandler House

Browsable transcripts

Downloadable transcripts

Media folder

Participants: 4
Type of Study: Protocol
Location: UK
Media type: video
DOI: doi:10.21415/GYRY-4N08

Citation Information

Dean, M.P. (2021). UCL Corpus. (data file) Retrieved from https://aphasia.talkbank.org/

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Corpus Description

The UCL Communication Clinic provides speech and language therapy to people with difficulties acquired through brain injury, trains student therapists, and carries out research into communication impairment, its impact and rehabilitation. These service users with aphasia have volunteered to share recordings of their language in use and their assessment data, to benefit research and teaching within the wider aphasia community.

Usage Restrictions

Access is restricted to registered members of the AphasiaBank consortium group.