University of New Hampshire Corpus

Amy Ramage
Communication Sciences and Disorders Department
University of New Hampshire

Participants: 11 participants with aphasia
Type of Study: protocol
Location: Baltimore, MD
Media type: video
DOI: doi:10.21415/EEYG-JG92

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The Clinic for Neurogenic Communication Disorders (CNCD) is located at the Speech-Language- Hearing Center at the University of New Hampshire. The CNCD is a donation-based clinic that is a source for expert diagnosis and treatment serving individuals with acquired brain injuries such as stroke, traumatic brain injury or post-concussive syndrome as well as disease processes like Primary Progressive Aphasia and Alzheimer’s disease. The CNDC is associated with Dr. Ramage’s research laboratory, the Cognition-Brain-Language Themes (CoBaLt) Labs. CoBaLt centers on the investigation of prognostic indicators of recovery from brain injury and collects data from participants of the CNCD as well as from the surrounding community.
