AphasiaBank Protocol French ColinLeMeur

Capucine Colin

Université Paul Sabatier

Camille Le Meur

Université Paul Sabatier

Participants: 11 PWAs and 14 controls
Type of Study: AphasiaBank Discourse Protocol -- French
Location: France
Media type: audio
DOI: doi:10.21415/T58C9R

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Citation information

Colin, C, & Le Meur, C. (2016). Adaptation du projet AphasiaBank à la langue française – Contribution pour une évaluation informatisée du discours oral de patients aphasiques. Sous la direction de : Halima SAHRAOUI et Katia LABRUNEE – PROD'HOMME. Mémoire présenté en vue de l'obtention du Certificat de Capacité d'Orthophoniste. Toulouse : Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III.

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The authors have made the full report and appendices available.

General Overview

The protocol was administred by two investigators, Capucine Colin and Camille Le Meur, students in speech therapy at Université Paul Sabatier, in Toulouse, under the supervision of Halima Sahraoui (sahraoui@univ-tlse2.fr) and Katia Labrunée-Prod'homme (katia.prodhomme@gmail.com).

The control participants met the following criteria for inclusion in the study:

  • no neurological condition (e.g., stroke, head injury)
  • hearing (aided or unaided) adequate for testing based on clinical judgment
  • vision (aided or unaided) adequate for testing based on clinical judgment
  • fluent speakers of French
  • no history of cognitively deteriorating conditions such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease based on self report
  • no depression at the time of testing based on self report
  • no history of speech, language and communication troubles

    The aphasic participants met the following criteria for inclusion in the study:

  • aphasia resulted from stroke (left hemisphere) that was verified through neuroimaging or a clear medical diagnosis
  • no dementia or comorbidities associated with serious cognitive consequences
  • hearing (aided or unaided) adequate for testing based on clinical judgment
  • vision (aided or unaided) adequate for testing based on clinical judgment
  • fluent speakers of French
  • no depression at the time of testing based on self report
  • no history of speech, language and communication troubles