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Dionysis Goutsos Department of Linguistics University of Athens dgoutsos@phil.uoa.gr http://users.uoa.gr/~dgoutsos/index_EN.htm |
Participants: | 20 |
Type of Study: | spontaneous speech, picture description |
Location: | Greece |
Media type: | audio |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T58K59 |
Goutsos, D., Potagas, C., Kasselimis, D., Varkanitsa, M., & Evdokimidis, I. The Corpus of Greek Aphasic Speech: Design and compilation. Editores María Luisa Carrió Pastor Miguel Ángel Candel Mora, 77.
In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one relevant corpus reference.
The names of collaborators include:
Dionysis Goutsos (Department of Linguistics, University of Athens),
Costas Potagas (Department of Neurology, Medical School, University of Athens),
Dimitris Kasselimis (Department of Neurology, Medical School, University of Athens & Psychology Department, University of Crete)
Maria Varkanitsa (Department of Linguistics, University of Athens)
Ioannis Evdokimidis (Department of Neurology, Medical School, University of Athens)
The Corpus of Greek Aphasic Speech includes data from 20 patients who were treated at the Aiginiteio Hospital between 2006 and 2008, while data from 27 more patients are planned to be included soon. Two types of text from each patient’s spoken output are included in the corpus, namely spontaneous speech and picture description. In other words, the corpus includes 40 texts, 2 from each participant. Both text types were produced during doctor-patient interviews. All interviews took place between 2006 and 2008 in the Aiginiteio Hospital. Sessions were audio-recorded with either a tape-recorder or a digital voice recorder in a quiet setting.
All collected material was orthographically transcribed in a first transcript and then checked for accuracy by two different transcribers. Fluency problems, voiced and unvoiced starters and fillers, repetitions and other phenomena of spoken interaction such as noise from the outside, coughing etc. were carefully noted, following conventions for spoken data transcription (Georgakopoulou & Goutsos, 2004: vii; and for Greek: Georgakopoulou & Goutsos, 1999: 70-72) and then later reformatted into CHAT.
Data have been tagged for paraphasic errors, following the classification system described in the attached documentation.