Thessaloniki Corpus

Hariklia Proios
Department of Educational and Social Policy
University of Macedonia

Felix Diaz Martinez

University of Castilla - La Mancha

Georgios Chatzopoulos
Department of Educational and Social Policy
University of Macedonia

Evgenia-Peristera Kouki
Department of Psychology
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Jobst Rudolf
Neurology Department
Papageorgiou Hospital

Georgia Deretzi
Neurology Department
Papageorgiou Hospital

Despina Kanaki
Department of Educational and Social Policy
University of Macedonia

Browsable transcripts

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Media folder

Participants: 5
Type of Study: dialogue
Location: Greece
Media type: video
DOI: doi:10.21415/T5C89N

Citation information

We have not yet published this work in a journal paper but we have an upcoming poster presentation at the Academy of Aphasia conference with the following citation:

In accordance with TalkBank rules, any use of data from this corpus must be accompanied by at least one relevant corpus reference.

Case Descriptions

  1. aphasia1.cha: A thirty nine year-old male had suffered an ischemic left CVA due to “middle cerebral artery infarct on left frontal lesion” on October 17, 2016. He is a father of two school-age children. According to medical history he presents with right hemiparesis and his wife reported that during his hospital stay he was not verbally responsive for 48 hours. His employment involved working as a printer at a T-shirt company. The video dialogue includes the patient, his wife and the interviewer. First, the patient describes himself and his family and subsequently narrates the events of the day of the CVA. Then he refers to his deficits in speech, mathematical abilities and orientation and finally discusses his daily routine, interests & hobbies and potential to return back to work.The names of contributors for aphasia.cha are: Georgios Chatzopoulos, Felix Diaz (University of Castilla - La Mancha), and Hariklia Proios, University of Macedonia and Anagennisis Rehabilitation Hospital
  2. aphasia2.cha: A conversation from a stroke-related aphasic with the researcher Despina Kanaki.
  3. dysarthria.cha: An eighty-three year-old female had an ischemic right CVA. She graduated from primary school and is a retired farmer. She is a widow with two daughters. The daughter in the video is the caregiver. The interview took place at the Rehabilitation hospital Anagennisis where the psychologist who performed the interview reported emotional sensitivity after the stroke as well as flaccid dysarthria. As can be observed in the dialogue, there is some disruptive crying while she reports about her poor performance in physiotherapy.The names of contributors for dysarthria.cha are: Pantsiou Krystallia, Felix Diaz (University of Castilla - La Mancha), and Hariklia Proios University of Macedonia and Anagennisis Rehabilitation Hospital
  4. GB.cha: A 36-year old male, with Aphasia and Dysarthria due to TBI in 2007.
  5. aneurysm.cha A 68 year old-woman with an aphasia, due to an aneurysm in the left-hemisphere.
  6. istr-cha A 55 year-old man with three ischemic strokes in the left hemisphere, two frontal and one in the basal ganglia. Studied by Georgios Chatzopoulos, Felix Diaz Martinez, Jobst Rudolf, Georgia Deretzi, and Hariklia Proios
  7. wernicke.cha . A 61 year-old man after a stroke. The CT scan demonstrated an ischemic stroke at the left temporal-parietal area (ventral stream). His clinical manifestations are inability to comprehend the verbal information and paraphasias. Studied by Georgios Chatzopoulos, Felix Diaz Martinez, Rudolf Jobst, Georgia Deretzi, and Hariklia Proios.