Hariklia Proios Department of Educational and Social Policy University of Macedonia hproios@gmail.com |
Felix Diaz Martinez University of Castilla - La Mancha |
Georgios Chatzopoulos Department of Educational and Social Policy University of Macedonia geochatz93@hotmail.com |
Evgenia-Peristera Kouki Department of Psychology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki e.p.kouki@gmail.com |
Jobst Rudolf Neurology Department Papageorgiou Hospital Jobst.Rudolf@hotmail.de |
Georgia Deretzi Neurology Department Papageorgiou Hospital georgiaderetzi@in.gr |
Despina Kanaki Department of Educational and Social Policy University of Macedonia |
Participants: | 5 |
Type of Study: | dialogue |
Location: | Greece |
Media type: | video |
DOI: | doi:10.21415/T5C89N |
We have not yet published this work in a journal paper but we have an upcoming poster presentation at the Academy of Aphasia conference with the following citation:
Pantsiou, K., Diaz Martinez, F., & Proios H. (2016, October 10-16). Pragmatics and Aphasia: A case study. Annual Conference of the Academy of Aphasia, Llandudno, Wales, UK.
Chatzopoulos, G., Loutrari, A., Díaz–Martínez, F., Kouki, E., & Proios, H. (2018). Mosaics Fall Apart In Different Ways: Exploring Variation In Communication Breakdown Patterns In Three Aphasic Patients. Acta Neuropsychologica, 16(4), 391-404. doi:10.5604/01.3001.0012.8037
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