AphasiaBank Core Lexicon

This page provides information about Core Lexicon.

Selected articles on core lexicon:


1. Manually. Scoring can be done manually without transcribing, using core lexicon checklists and a recording of the language sample, marking off which words were used.

2. Automatically with CLAN. Scoring can be done automatically from a CHAT file that has a %mor tier (from running the MOR program). The CORELEX command will produce a spreadsheet showing which words from the core lexicon checklist were used. The "Types" column in the spreadsheet will show how many words from the list were used at least once. These core lexicon lists are for the five AphasiaBank Discourse Protocol tasks, as published in Dalton et al. (2020).

Here are the a few important things to know:

3. Automatically with a web-app. Scoring can be done automatically with this web-app --
https://rb-cavanaugh.shinyapps.io/coreLexicon/ . Using simple orthographic transcription of the language sample (Broken Window, Refused Umbrella, Cat Rescue, Cinderella, Sandwich), the app produces a summary page with total scores and percentiles based on average norms relative to healthy controls and other individuals with aphasia. It also allows users to download a spreadsheet of their data and a PDF report.

The app was developed by Rob Cavanaugh, Sarah Grace Dalton, and Jessica Richardson with grant support from NIH/NIDCD (Cavanaugh, F31 DC019853-01). Citation for this software and link for source code: Cavanaugh, R., Dalton, S. G., & Richardson, J. (2021). coreLexicon: An open-source web-app for scoring core lexicon analysis. R package version https://github.com/aphasia-apps/coreLexicon . Comments, feedback, and bug-reports can be made on the github page.