TalkBank AphasiaBank

Make sure the participant is looking at the screen that has options to click on Pictures 1, 2, and 3 as well as the Cinderella book. When instructing the participant to click on each picture, be sure NOT to name it (e.g., "Broken Window"), but just refer to them by number (e.g., Picture #1)."

Picture #1 (Broken Window)

“Now I’m going to show you these pictures. Take a little time to look at these pictures. They tell a story. Take a look at all of them, and then I’ll ask you to tell me the story with a beginning, a middle, and an end. You can look at the pictures as you tell the story.”

If no response in 10 seconds, prompt:

“Take a look at the first picture and tell me what you think is happening.”

If necessary, continue to prompt about each panel -- 2nd, 3rd, and 4th:

"And what happens in the second panel?

If no response in 10 seconds, prompt:

“Can you tell me anything about this picture?”

Picture #2 (Refused Umbrella)

“Here are some more pictures that tell a story. Take a look at all of them, and then I’ll ask you to tell me the story with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Again, you can look at the pictures as you tell the story.”

If no response in 10 seconds, prompt:

“Take a look at the first picture and tell me what you think is happening.”

If necessary, continue to prompt about each panel -- 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th:

"And what happens in the second panel?

If no response in 10 seconds, prompt:

“Can you tell me anything about this picture?”

Picture #3 (Cat Rescue)

“Here is another picture. Look at everything that’s happening and then tell me a story about what you see. Tell me the story with a beginning, a middle, and an end.”

If no response in 10 seconds, prompt:

“Take a look and tell me any part of the story.”

If fewer than 2 utterances, prompt:

“Anything else you can tell me about the story?"

Move on next to Cinderella Story